Myocardial Infarction

Myocardial infarctions, also known as heart attacks are extremely common and affect more than 1 million people in just the United States a year. It is important to be aware of one’s health and any medical issues they may have, while heart attacks occur in those who have risk, many times the infarctions occur in those who have no diseases or heart issues. The damage that follows a myocardial infarction occurs quickly, so it is crucial to know facts about and how to respond to a myocardial infarction.

Important Facts about Myocardial Infarctions

  • Heart attacks (MI) occur nearly every 20 seconds, followed with a death from the infarction nearly every minute, or 60 seconds.
  • Nearly 50% of deaths occur within the hour after suffering from a heart attack outside of a hospital or medical supervision.
  • Women have been reported to have worse ailments and outcomes than men do after suffering a heart attack, according to the National Registry of Myocardial Infarctions.
  • Myocardial Infarctions are not always recognizable. Many of those who suffer from a heart attack have no symptoms or signs. This is called a “silent heart attack”. If this happens, it’s important to see a cardiologist and general physician on a regular basis to monitor health and any irregularities.
  • Men and women can often have different symptoms. Men are more prone to experience dizziness, shortness of breath, pain in arms, and chest pain. Women are more likely to experience nausea, fatigue, shortness of breath and often vomiting.

What to do when a Myocardial Infarction Occurs

  • Remain calm whether it is you or someone else that is experiencing the heart attack.
  • Chew aspirin tablets, unless you or the person has an allergy. According to the National Institute of Health, you may also consume an anti-blood clotting medication if that is the case.
  • Call 911 and report the situation and the symptoms.
  • Remain calm and still.

It’s critical to be aware of self-health and any medical conditions to ensure that any risk of a myocardial infarction is avoided or treated. Having regular visits and dialog with your family physician is important, along with having knowledge of any family history of diseases or health issues. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and what to do in a situation where a myocardial infarction occurs will make the situation easier to handle. While it is not always preventable or foreseeable, it’s also paramount to know the general steps of what to do when a heart attack occurs.

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